Home Remedies For Cellulite Removal

cellulite removal

In order to maintain good health and follow a good regiment for home remedies for cellulite removal, opt for complex carbohydrates also known as good carbs. Vegetables are regarded to be among some of these complex carbohydrates. One of the tips that you should follow in your diet to naturally get rid of cellulite, is to reduce your salt intake.

You can opt to season your vegetables using spices in place of salt. High levels of salt or sodium in your body will cause water retention and sometimes high blood pressure.


cellulite removal


When next you go for your grocery shopping, look out for salt that is ‘low sodium’ or sea salt that has other health benefits .

Cucumber slices

You can get rid of cellulite fast through hydration eating cucumber as a salad or with a combination of other vegetables. Cucumber flesh is primarily composed of water. It also contains other acids that help sooth irritations and reduce swelling therefore diminishes the appearance of cellulite dimples.

Cucumber contains a lot of other health benefits, it can also be used to get rid of bags or circles under your eyes among other things . Just put a slice on the the bags under your eyes for about 30 minutes and the swelling or circles disappear.


Lettuce contains 94% water therefore it is very good for hydration. It has few calories and helps to reduce weight faster. Besides having lettuce in your salads or sandwiches, I also include it in my everyday diet. Lettuce is believed to treat IBS or any other stomach ailments if eaten together with yoghurt and oranges.

I just cut up a few leaves and include it in every meal. I remember a few years back, my daughter who is now in college used to suffer from all sorts of stomach ailments. She started taking lettuce, oranges and yoghurt as part of her daily diet. And hola! these stomach problems that she used to experience disappeared completely.



cellulite removal


Brocolli is one of the vegetables you should include in your diet. It contains 91% water. It also has Vitamin C, Calcium, fibre and a few calories.

Vegetables help you to lose weight and maintain a healthy skin. By eating vegetables every day is making the right choice of foods which are filling and provide you with healthy calories. You may not like the vegetables at first, but if they are good for your body, that should be reason enough to buy that brocolli, spinach or kale from your local grocery shop.

These small, conscious steps towards a healthier life count a lot in the long run to assist in reducing your cellulite problem.

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